Sunday, January 31, 2010

More Snow!

We got another good snow this weekend, about a foot of accumulation.  Today we bundled Ryder up and took him out in it.  He didn’t think much of it and was ready to go back inside after only a few minutes.  Daddy & Uncle G stayed outside working hard on making an igloo…yes…we now have an igloo in our front yard!  10 Months 07510 Months 125 

“Okay, I’m ready to go inside now!”

10 Months 11310 Months 114I’d be much happier inside on my dump truck!”10 Months 130

Or…maybe not!”

10 Months 133       Gotta love the teething tantrums, poor guy!          

He did enjoy going back outside to sit in the igloo with Daddy & Uncle G when they were done.  I must say, I was pretty impressed too, the thing is like 6 feet tall and 8 feet wide!!

10 Months 14110 Months 137 10 Months 138 10 Months 139 10 Months 140 10 Months 142


  1. HOLY CRAP IGLOO!!!!! How long did it take them to build that thing?! lol. That is funny! Oh and Ryder looks SO cute all bundled up :)

  2. That thing is HUGE!! That's impressive!

  3. WOW.. you have one talented husband and brother-in-law!!! Thats amazing!! Just think: next year's igloo Ryder will REALLY be able to enjoy and will have a ball with :)

  4. omg, that igloo is HUGE! He looks so cute all bundled up :)

  5. Haha aww poor guy was not a happy camper!! lol that igloo is insane, I'll have to get Nick on here and show him!!

  6. Now that is amazing!!! It's great the adults can still enjoy the snow too. I am with Ryder though, I'd rather be inside. ha ha
