Sunday, January 10, 2010

Feeling Much Better

Alan took Ryder to the doctor on Friday since he had been sick with a cold for a full week.  Although there was nothing they could do for his cold, he had developed an ear infection, so they gave him an antibiotic for that.  My reaction when Alan called to tell me was “Awww, he got his first ear infection?  How cute!!”  I guess every “first” is cute to me, good or bad!  9 months 148

He’s still congested, but seems to be feeling much better.  He is back to his normal sleeping routine (yayyy!) and is happy as can be during the day.  And he suddenly has developed a huge appetite!  Here he is eating Mac-N-Cheese tonight:


  1. aww I love his little outfit & he looks so grown up eating his mac n cheese :)

  2. I love that outfit. He looks so cool. What a big boy!
