Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Strep Throat!

Yes, Ryder has strep throat, I can’t believe it!  Vicki called Monday afternoon and said that Ryder wasn’t acting himself and felt really warm.  So I went right over to get him and see what was going on, and sure enough, he wasn’t talking, laughing, playing, nothing…and his temperature was 101.7!  That’s the highest his temp has ever been so it scared me a little.  Daddy took him to the Doctor first thing Tuesday morning only to find out that he has strep throat.  Poor guy :(  His Dr. said it was great that we caught it early and can get him on medicine now because strep throat left untreated can effect your kidneys…yikes…so this will be his second day on the antibiotic and he already seems to be feeling better.  Back to playing,10 Months 168Pointing,

  10 Months 163

and mostly wanting to be picked up!10 Months 172


  1. Awww. Poor guy. I hope he feels better soon!! Let me know if you need anything! PS - I was wondering where you've been! lol.

  2. Aw, I hope he feels better soon!!!! He still looks adorable as ever, even while sick! lol

  3. Aww :( I used to get strep throat all the time when I was younger and it is a miserable feeling! So I hope he feels better soon!

  4. Get Well Soon Ryder! I know that isn't fun. he looks so adorable even when he's sick..

  5. Poor thing! I hope he feels better soon!! It's going around!
