Friday, September 18, 2009


Tonight we had to run out to pick up a few things from the grocery store, well on the way home a car pulled right out in front of us and we almost got in an accident! I don't know what came over me but I went into this "I'm a Mommy and I have to protect my baby" mode and I did some crazy maneuver and managed to not get hit by that car, or run into the one head on in the other lane! As soon as our car stopped Alan just goes "Good Job Baby!" I couldn't even say anything I was shaking so bad, and poor Ryder, he's so alert now that he knew that sudden movement along with the sound of our squealing tires was not a good thing so he started screaming crying. Daddy had to reach in the backseat and hold his hand the rest of the way home :( It was so scary, but we're just thanking God that he was protecting us and that we're all okay.

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