Thursday, August 27, 2009

Wake Up Sleepy Head

Ryder has been all about sleeping lately!  All week this week I have had to actually go in and wake him up when I’m done getting ready for work.  This has been a nice change in schedule for me, and I’m excited for the weekend to come so I can see how long this sleepy head would like to stay in bed.  I’ve been taking pictures of my attempts to wake him up in the mornings because I think it’s just so cute.  He stretches and groans and turns his head from side to side then pushes his butt up in the air…all while laughing at Mommy with his eyes closed. 

Ryder 075 Ryder 072  Ryder 074Ryder 073 Peace Mom, I’m going back to sleep!Ryder 077Ryder 079

Ryder 081  

And just because I love pictures of him sleeping…here he is asleep in my arms leaving Grandma’s last Sunday:Ryder 064

Ryder 065Ever since he started sleeping in his crib, that is where he has taken all of his naps too.  But this last Sunday, I needed a cuddle buddy, so I let him take a nap with me in my bed.  I woke up before him and took these pictures as he was waking up:

 Ryder 067 Ryder 069

Ryder 068   This waking up thing is serious!  Look at the expression on his face…what a cute little sleepy head!


  1. OMG! SOOO CUTE :) I LOVE babies sleeping, so precious! That little butt in the air, love it! And he's going through a little growing spirt... sleepy head!

  2. He looks like an angel when he's sleeping :)
