Wednesday, August 19, 2009

5 Months Old!!

I bet everyone knows how I’m going to start this post…5 months already???  Where has the time gone?  Well we’ve done lots of growing and developing in the last month, even though it seems to have flown by, Ryder has used the time wisely!  Our 5 month photo shoot:

5 Months 0365 Months 0235 Months 0215 Months 043 1st Meal   

Ryder’s Five Month Fun Facts:

  • He ate his first “real” food – PEAS – and he loved them!
  • His 3 month clothes fit him perfectly, 3-6 month are baggy.
  • He drools excessively and chews on everything, we’re just waiting for that 1st tooth to show up.
  • He holds his head like a pro now, and enjoys sitting in his Bumbo seat, his high chair, or his Jumperoo.
  • He stands when supported and locks his legs.
  • He loves to talk, and has started using D, G, and M syllables in his babbling  (come on MA-MA). His voice has gotten much louder this month!
  • He’s officially a tummy sleeper now and is sleeping on average 7 hours at night. 
  • His kidneys are growing and have shown major improvement – Yayyy! 
  • He still takes a daily antibiotic to prevent kidney infections and Zantac for silent reflux.
  • He loves to play with chew on his toys, roll around on the floor, reach for things on his activity gym, talk to Mommy, and laugh at Daddy.

Each month that passes, Ryder becomes more and more alert and active.  He notices a lot more things now, and you can see the wheels turning in his head when he’s trying to make sense of something.  He loves when we read him books and actually watches the book and listens now.  His favorite thing is when Mommy and Daddy “tell him secrets”, that always gets a laugh out of him.  His laugh melts my heart, I will never get tired of hearing that sweet sound.  Ahhh the joy this baby brings to our life, I just can’t even put it into words. 

1 comment:

  1. OMG, that first picture of him is ADORABLE! big blue eyes! I can see you in him now! lol! I think hes starting to look more and more like you too! of course he still looks just like Alan, but you know...i think he looks like you too :) so SO cute haha! I cant wait to see him this weekend!
