Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy Independence Day...and more!

Happy 4th of July everyone! A HUGE thank you to all that serve our Country, let us always remember to keep the men and women of the military in our prayers, thanks to them we are able to celebrate freedom today.

We have had a nice long weekend. Aunt Mickey was in town from Florida. For those of you who know Aunt Mickey, you know that it means we got some good pictures taken!! Her and Yaya came over on Thursday night and we attempted a little photo session, unfortunately we're not the ones in charge of our plans anymore, we leave that up to Ryder and he just didn't like that plan. So, we got a few good ones before he was over it, and I was able to get that roll developed already, here's a sneak peak:

Friday we went over to Yaya's for dinner with my fam which is always fun! Then, Operation Photo Session Number Two was in place and was a success! Aunt Mickey wants to develop those herself, so stay tuned, you know I'll share them as soon as I get my hands on them. In the midst of taking pictures, Ryder was laying on his tummy and decided that he's such a big boy now and wanted to pick his head up, so he did! Just like that! I couldn't believe it, the best part is, we got it on camera. Again, please standby for the evidence.

Saturday was the 4th, so what better to do than dress Ryder in Red, White, & Blue, lay him on the floor, and take pictures of him:

I know, that's how I feel when I'm having a bad hair day too!

We spent our 4th of July at Alan's Grandma's, like we always do. Family, friends, fellowship, and food, interesting...all of my favorite things start with an F...hmm. This was a very late night for Ryder, the latest he has ever been out. He was asleep way before the fireworks even began, which was fine because it was way too loud for him anyway. So, we enjoyed them, then we packed up and got home around midnight.

Today, we went shopping!! Thank you Nana for your GENEROUS donation to our Babies -R- Us fund. Besides all of the regular supplies we had to stock up on, we were able to get some fun stuff for the Grandbaby, including 2 of those doorway jumpers (one for our house and one for Poppy & Nana's). It won't be long before he's holding his head sturdy enough to go to town in one of those. And I'll be right there, camera in hand, to share that fun with all of YOU!

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