Thursday, July 9, 2009

Grace In Small Things

I found a really neat thing that someone started called Grace In Small Things, you can visit the website and read all about it here. Basically, it was created to remind people to find the beauty in the little, simple things that happen to them during the day. I personally am so guilty of always letting the worries of the world get to me, without taking a second to just breathe, look around, and realize how truly blessed I am. I will periodically do a GIST post to help remind myself, others, and most importantly Ryder (one day when he can read) how important it is to find God's grace and let your heart feel joyful each and every day. This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it! ~Psalm 118:24.

  1. The breeze on a hot summer day
  2. When something makes Ryder smile
  3. Getting a random text from my husband during the day, lets me know he's thinking about me
  4. When my mom drops off a smoothie for me in the mornings
  5. Taking the same vacation, the same weekend, with the same friends....every year.

Visit Grace in Small Things

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