Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Power of Prayer

I have heard your prayer, I have seen your tears; surely I will heal you.
2 Kings 20:5

We just have to say thank you to everyone who has been praying for us and for Ryder. The power of prayer is truly amazing. I know that just in the hour it took us to get to the hospital the day he was born, we were put on atleast 10 different Church prayer lists, and had probably 100 different people praying hard between our families and friends (and friends of our families) for a safe delivery and a healthy baby. God is Awesome, He has been our sense of strength through this time of weakness.

Yesterday was a big day for Ryder and we prayed so hard. It was so comforting to hear the words "we'll be praying for you guys" from every person we talked to. We even received a text message prayer (thanks Grandma!). Well, we're so happy to say that our prayers have been answered, they've finally confirmed what is wrong with Ryder, they have a plan to fix it, and he's on the path to being able to come home!!

Some time next week Ryder will be getting surgery to carterize his Posterior Urethral Valves which will allow everything to start draining properly from his kidneys into his bladder. They did confirm that some amount of damage was done to his left kidney through all of this, but they're hoping he will regain moderate function in that kidney once the surgery is completed. The right kidney is working perfectly and you can live with one kidney so this is a huge blessing.

Please continue to pray that his surgery will go well, he will recover quickly, and that he can finally come home to his parents, family, and friends that are all waiting so patiently to get their hands on him!

Thanks again, we love you all, and together lets thank GOD that Ryder is going to be okay!!

1 comment:

  1. Ryder, you are living proof that God answers prayer and performs miracles. We, and everyone we know, prayed so hard for you. Please always take your cares to God and know that He loves you as much as we do.....unconditionally, forever and ever and ever!
    We love you sweet baby,
    Poppy & Nana
