Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Meet Ryder!

Ryder Joseph Marsh
March 19, 2009 2:26pm
6 pounds 2 ounces

To continue the story, we had to leave the Dr's office and drive to St. Mary's Hospital in Richmond, VA where they had doctors and specialists waiting to deliver Ryder 5 weeks before his due date. We arrived at the hospital at 1:00 and they had us in the operating room within an hour to deliver by C-Section. Our immediate families rushed to the hospital and made it just in time for the big event. We were all scared and nervous, but anxious to see his sweet face and know that he was going to be okay. Sure enough, at 2:26pm on March 19th, 2009 out came the most beautiful baby boy I have ever laid my eyes on, crying the sweetest cry that we will never forget. Everyone in the operating room (including the 11 doctors waiting for Ryder) breathed a huge sigh of relief once we saw how big and healthy he was.

Ryder and Daddy were off to the NICU, and I was put into my recovery room where they allowed family to come in and visit with me. I was laying there completely in shock of what had just taken place and beyond relieved to know that he was okay. The Dr's looked at Ryder's kidneys through a sonogram and decided that emergency surgery was not needed. They inserted a catheter and began to drain all of the fluid that had built up in and around his kidneys. Daddy took lots of pictures and brought them to my room so I could see our little miracle.
What a day! We started the day thinking we were going to a Dr. Appt and ended up becoming parents! It's unexplainable how you can fall so deeply in love with someone that fast, he has our whole hearts and we look forward to everything this adventure will bring to our lives.

Meet Ryder - The newest addition to the Marsh Family

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