Sunday, February 28, 2010

These Are The Words I Would Say

Be strong in the Lord

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And never give up hope


You’re gonna do great things

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I already know


God’s got His hand on you

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So don’t live life in fear


Forgive and forget


But don’t forget why you’re here

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Take your time and pray

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Thank God for each day

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His love will find a way

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These are the words I would say.

As we are now approaching the month that Ryder was born, I can’t help but reflect on this past year and everything that he has been through.  I’m so thankful for this song, “The Words I Would Say” by the Sidewalk Prophets, it has such a strong message that reminds me of where my focus needs to be … and these really are the words that I want to say to Ryder as he grows.


  1. That is one of my favorite songs! Love it!! :)

  2. Such a sweet post! And yes, God's love will always pull you through no matter what ;)

  3. Ohhh this is just soo sweet :) I can't believe its been a year already & look how much he's changed & grown! XOXO
