Thursday, March 26, 2009

Ryder's First Week of Life

I can't believe it has been an entire week already! Unfortunately, Ryder is still not home from the hospital. We just need everyone to keep praying, he has his big test tomorrow that will tell us whether he needs surgery to clear the blockage or whether it has corrected itself. Either way, it should give us a better idea of when we can bring him home. The nurse told us lastnight that he has now met every monumental stage required of a preemie in order to go home. So, besides the kidney issue, he is such a strong, healthy boy! I daydream about the day we can bring him home.
When I was in the hospital we would go visit Ryder very frequently in the NICU during the day and at night. I was discharged on Monday so it has been hard to be home without him. People have been so sweet though, doing things to help me out and making sure I have a ride to the hospital each day to visit with Ryder. I cherish the time we get to spend together. Also, the hospital set up a web cam for us so we can log on and watch Ryder any time we want day or night. We actually just keep it up on the computer 24/7 and peek in periodically to see what he's doing. Here are a few pictures from our visits and his very first week of life!:
Day 1

Day 2

Day 3


Day 5

Day 6

Day 7 - A Whole Week!

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