Tuesday, June 9, 2009

12 Weeks, Come & Gone

Throughout the entire life of this blog, one thing that I mention over and over is how fast time goes. Here I am again, upset about the fact that TWELVE whole weeks have come and gone just like that. You know what that means...back to work on Thursday! I wish that I could continue to spend every second with Ryder, talking to him, playing with him, watching him grow. Unfortunately, that's not an option for me. I'm so sad. I'm sure every mom goes through this when the time comes and she has to return to work, I just never thought it would be so hard. I'm going to miss him so much during the day, but I'll look forward to coming home to his sweet face after work. Wish me luck.........this sucks!
During my twelve weeks of maternity leave, we've gotten to do lots of fun stuff together. One of my favorite things we've done is spend time with my sister-in-law and nieces. They love their baby cousin so much and are so good with him.

We have also enjoyed our Friday visits from Aunt Megan...

And we love being able to go for walks in the stroller (especially when Daddy & the dogs can join us!)

And tummy time is always fun too!

But most of all, we have just enjoyed bonding and getting to know eachother. I'm very greatful for the past twelve weeks and can't think of any better way to have spent them than with my beautiful son!


  1. AWWW how sweet :*)
    i love these pictures...& i know its hard leaving him to go back to work, but it will get easier! I promise.

  2. I know we don't really know each other, but we do follow each others blogs. :) Going back to work is going to be pretty tough, but it will get easier. There is no better feeling than rushing out of work to go see them and the big smiles you get when you walk in the door! Good luck!
