"Her children rise up and call her blessed"
Proverbs 31:28
What better time than Mother's Day to take a moment to recognize the Mom's in our lives. One day soon Ryder will know who each of these women are and realize how lucky he is to have them in his life.
Yaya (Brandy's Mom)
This is a beautiful woman, inside and out. She has a huge, caring, genuine heart and makes those close to her know how special and loved they are. She has always been there for Me & Alan, no matter what situation we have gotten ourselves into. We are forever thankful for her love and support. Yaya LOVES her Grandson, she just can't get enough of him. I think he's pretty into her too!
Grandma (Alan's Mom)
Ryder's Grandma went home to be with the Lord on August 3rd, 2005, which still seems like yesterday. She was and always will be very special to us. As Ryder grows up, we will tell him what an amazing woman and mother she was. We will share all the memories from the time that we had with her, and show him pictures so that without a doubt he will know who his Grandma was. Most importantly we want him to know that if she was here, she would be absolutely in love with him. We wish so bad that she was here, now more than ever, because of the joy that this little bundle would've brought to her life.
Nana (Alan's Step-Mom)
Nana is a woman who has love pouring from her heart. She wants nothing but the best for us always. She genuinely cares about our well-being and will do whatever she can to help. We love and appreciate her for always being there, for her wisdom, and for everything she has done over the years. She will spoil Ryder rotten, I can be sure of this because the spoiling has already begun! In return, I know that he will love and cherish her as we do.
Mommy (ME!)
I can't sit here and act like I have this Mommy thing down and that I deserve any praise for the 7 weeks I have been a Mom. What I can do is hope that one Mother's Day, Ryder will appreciate me for some of the traits that I have listed about the women above. They have set wonderful examples and led me to this point, may I take that and run.
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